Generally, KJ Springs and Plastics Technology, Inc. has provided its customers with Precision Springs and Metal Parts since 1992 and Plastic Components/Services since 2000 in the Philippines.

We manufacture all types and wide variety of customized Spring and Metal such as Compression, Extension, Torsion, Wire Forming and Stamping. With continuous innovation on methodology and technology, we can substantiate a high-quality products, our customer undoubtedly and certainly will satisfy.

Going the extra mile, back year 2000 when we inaugurated a new business line specializing in Vacuum Metallizing, Spray Painting, UV Painting, Urethane Painting, Printing, Hot Stamping, Ultrasonic and Assembly. Our expertise to Metallizing Process had uplifts our name in the local and international market bringing our full-edge commitment to provide customer needs and satisfaction.

Now, over the 20 years of fruitful operations, KJ Springs and Plastics Technology, Inc. continues to further its efforts as we geared towards maintaining and improving our strong stance in the manufacturing field and expand to rollout globally. While we attuned on the changing needs of general Industry , we shall continue to advance ahead and never compromise.

Of course, we trust and believe our people. We believe that our company's success can be attributed to the combined hard work and efforts of our loyal employees. Thus, we recognize and provide them great motivation as we strive to maintain harmonious relationship both achieving our goals and objectives.

Philosophy: We provide flexible and competitive service in many ways

Mr. Noriaki Tatsumi
KJ Springs and Plastics Technology, Inc.

We Specialize in Plastic Products

Our Customers